Google Search Introduces a Squid Game Easter Egg for Fans

2 min read

Google Search, in a surprise move, has launched an enthralling Easter egg inspired by the hit South Korean series Squid Game. The new feature offers users an interactive experience that pays homage to the intriguing game from the series that has taken the world by storm.

How to Access the Easter Egg?

Type Squid Game in the Google search bar. You’ll see, at the very bottom of the screen, an iconic red invitation just like in the series, if you click on it, you will be taken into a digital version of the “Red Light, Green Light” game.

Google Search Introduces a Squid Game Easter Egg for Fans - Squid Game 2 Easter Egg
Google Search Introduces A Squid Game Easter Egg For Fans 3

The “Red Light, Green Light” Game on Google

That the title has quite easy gameplay, yet it features a very similar amount of adrenaline as from this series, only sans violent parts. You get the opportunity to operate six characters: these should be advanced while the Younghee robot turns back and stopped upon a turnback. At any given time you’re caught advancing – the character gets taken down.

Why Is This a Must-Try?

This Easter egg is dedicated not only to the fans of Squid Game but also stands for the fantasy and broad imagination of the Google team. Such a creative method of turning an ordinary search into an interactive activity in which entertainment and technology are so masterfully mixed.

The Cultural Impact of the Series

The sheer force of its storytelling and captivating themes has made Squid Game a global phenomenon. Also, the addition of this Easter egg by Google shows not only the cultural heft of the series but how technology can create sometimes unlikely links between people of the world.

This Easter egg is not to be missed for fans of the series or those who want to have a bit of fun during an online search. Dive into the game and see how far you can get without being eliminated!


Here, too, Google does not disappoint, showing all its ingenuity and desire to amaze users with special and unforgettable moments. So, the next time you go on Google, don’t forget searching for Squid Game and enjoying the hidden surprise!


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