The Minecraft Movie had been stirring up excitement with every tidbit revealed; so too is the latest news regarding Jack Black’s commitment to playing Steve: method acting taken to a whole new level in the Minecraft universe, on and off set.
A Commitment to Method Acting
In an interview with IGN, Director Jared Hess said that Jack Black was “as method as it gets.” Other than pulling stunts and pranks on set, Black opted for deep-diving into the world of Minecraft any time he could. “He was in his trailer anytime he had a break; he was just slaying it in the Overworld,” Hess revealed. The film’s producer and Minecraft’s senior director, Torfi Frans Olafsson, even created a special server for the crew. This allowed Black to continue his in-game quest on sets during breaks.
The Obsession with Lapis Lazuli
Arguably, one of the most interesting parts of Black’s preparation for the role was the full-on obsession with lapis lazuli. Lapis lazuli is an ore of blue color in the game used for enchanting weapons, books, tools, and armor, and it certainly became Black’s obsession. “Every day, it was like, I’d pop in there to go over the scene in the morning, and he would be dressed as Steve playing the game. It was kind of a surreal thing to behold,” Hess said. Lapis lazuli is a semiprecious stone that was counted as a rare ore before the Caves and Cliffs update; now it generates between levels -64 to 64 but at the highest density around layer -1.
Role of Steve
The deep dive into Minecraft for Jack Black wasn’t an act of just gathering ores. His portrayal of Steve had to make sense of why the character and the game are so deeply loved. “He’s like an empty page you write your story on,” Olafsson said. The choice of Black as Steve was influenced by how well he could portray the elation, wonder, fun, and all the humor that underlines the Minecraft community. “For him, we felt that he should have the joy, curiosity, fun, and humor that we have seen in the Minecraft community over the years, like through YouTube videos and all of their creations.”
The Value of Lapis Lazuli
For those unfamiliar with Minecraft, lapis lazuli is a much-needed resource when it comes to enchanting. It is not just helpful in enhancing an item’s efficiency but can also be used to craft blue dye, fireworks, and even change the sound under note blocks to a bass drum noise. With Black’s keen focus upon collecting this ore, it is plain to see he wasn’t playing around but rather committed to his role as Steve.
Jack Black’s dedication to his role in the Minecraft Movie exemplifies his commitment to method acting. His in-game adventures and obsession with lapis lazuli show just how far he’s willing to go to bring authenticity to his character. As fans eagerly await the film’s release, it’s stories like these that build anticipation and admiration for both the actor and the movie.
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